AJS Wildlife Solutions


Resolving nuisance wildlife issues in St Louis, Missouri
(314) 320-4944


   I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude and thankfulness for all customers past present, and future. Since starting AJS Wildlife Solutions I have received an enormous amount of support, positive feedback, and referrals from many people. The past nine months have been an exciting adventure with many ups and few downs of running a business but I must say it has been extremely rewarding. 


    Some of you have known and have asked for updates and many of you may not have been made aware but during this time my wife has been pregnant and on Saturday May 21st we welcomed into this world our baby boy "Bernard"! My wife and baby are both home and healthy and I am enjoying every moment I can with them making myself available to help, love, and support them. 



    I can't express how grateful I am for how understanding and supportive clients have been during this time and I want you all to know how much I appreciate you all. I truly believe I have been so fortunate to have some of the best customers a business could ask for and I thank you for that. 


    At this time I am still taking calls and booking work for the month of June. My wife expects me to continue to respond and help clients immediately faced with emergency situations such as wild animals inside living spaces and I will continue to do so on an as needed basis. 


    If you or someone you know needs help with wildlife control Please feel free to reach out or pass my information along(we love referrals). If you had a great experience with AJS Wildlife Solutions we would love it if you took a moment to share about it in a review. 


Thank you.


Andrew Stadnik

Certified Wildlife Control Professional 

AJS Wildlife Solutions